MIL rant


I feel like there should a community to complain about MILs, and I should be part of it, because I only post here to talk about her 😂

She is pissing me off big time. She sent pics to my husband and I today l, with pics of her other two kids saying how much my baby smile looks like her kids.

Not to mention that She came over two weekends ago after inviting herself and spent the night and said “oh her nose is so small and beautiful, definitely got it from my side of the family”. And she knows how much I hate my nose.

Not to mention also that she sent pics of herself when she was a baby to my husband to say how the baby looks like her.

The baby looks like my husband ? Yes, and I love that . But she also looks a lot like me and everyone say that.

Am I too crazy to be so pissed?