I just need to get my feelings out

I’m emancipated and live six hours away from my family. We’re about to move in to our own place together, finally getting out of his parents house, I’m also graduating high school this Sunday, and starting a new job on Monday and a second job on the 8th. Life’s been really stressful trying to balance everything.

Anyways, my mom is really poor right now, she’s been out of work for a month because she ended up burning her whole hand on grease and getting severe burns on her hand, so I sent $400 to her to rent a car for a few days because she doesn’t have her own because she ended up drinking and driving and crashing it. She just told me that she can’t come anymore because she lost most of the money and the money she didn’t lose, she spent on drinks at the bar. I’m so sad right now, I feel like she cares more about drinking than coming to see me graduate. And also, I don’t have a dad, he ended up passing away back in 2015 so it’s just really hard realizing that neither my parents or any of my family is coming to see me graduate.

My boyfriend also isn’t being the most supportive from all this. After I told him what my mom said about not being able to come down because she doesn’t have the money that I gave her all he could say is “I told you not to send her money, this is a lesson learned, I was right”

I just feel like I have no one right now. I’m really trying to better my life because my family isn’t the most successful, my whole family is poor and I’m out here trying to make something of my self and I feel like everything is just trying to being me down and make me unmotivated.