Not wanting to tell mom when I’m in labour..

A little backstory; a couple of years ago i decided to terminate after finding out my daughter had a severe birth defect. I completely respect those people who don’t agree with termination but Not when they make me feel like absolute shit about it... like my mom. She made me feel like such a piece of shit and there’s sooo much more to how awful she was to me. She completely threw a fit and went behind mine and my baby dads backs because when it came to the babys cremation and all that goes with it, she wanted to do things Her way and I really didn’t feel comfortable doing the things she wanted. It was My baby, not hers so I stood up for myself! She obviously didn’t like

That and told her I “wasn’t taking her feelings into consideration and I was being mean” but last I checked, this wasn’t about her? This was about my baby, me, and the baby’s dad. I’m now almost 20 weeks pregnant. I hid it from her until I was 17 weeks because I wanted to wait until my anatomy scan to tell her so that if something happened again, she wouldn’t be any part of it. As expected she was mad and I told her for the 100th time how much she hurt me last time and she Still doesn’t get it 🤦🏼‍♀️ she’s been bitching to my siblings about she doesn’t understand how I could keep it from her. The biggest issue is that she’s Never understood how she acted was extremely immature and hurtful. Apparently she never will 🙄 I don’t want her there when baby is born as I still don’t feel comfortable around her but my hubby and I have agreed to let her come to the hospital once baby is born. But I am allowing my mother in law to be in the delivery room. Am I being unfair to not let her be at the hospital when baby is born or am I justified to feel the way I do in not wanting her there?