I want another baby but not with him

I have been wanting another baby since I had our first daughter, I love her soooo much and I’ve always wanted two close in age. Yes, it’s super hard sometimes and I feel like crying and breaking down but I wouldn’t trade being a stay at home mom for anything. And I KNOW 2 at home would be a huge amount of work, but I’d love to get pregnant soon and have another one....

I just don’t want to have another baby with my husband. He gets sooo easily frustrated with just one. Every time he’s with or around her he’s usually just on his phone or laying down on the couch instead of interacting with her. Yeah I’m guilty of SOMETIMES doing that, but I have ALL day with her. Sometimes we need that down time together but he works so much and barely sees her and he can’t even pay attention to her for like 5 minutes. Drives me nuts. I’m so afraid to leave her alone with him because he’s a lazy parent. All he wants to do is play video games or look at his phone. I want another kid so bad but I’m not sure I want another one if this is how it’s going to be. I need help sometimes from him.

He also gets mad when she won’t eat or makes a mess when eating, she’s only 1 its normal but because he’s not with her ALL DAY he never has to deal with it and just let it roll.

Also I’m super active and love going out and about and doing stuff for us and our daughter and every time we go out he complains and makes my outings awful.

I’m tired of feeling like this with him. I love him a lot but he’s just not who I thought I married and I feel kind of stuck. I want another baby but not if he doesn’t change and it sucks because I don’t know what to do?! Do I leave him for someone who can fulfill the role he doesn’t take or do I stay with him and just settle for one child?