2 weeks 5 days


My little man is 2 weeks and 5 days today. He was born on June 11th at 11:53pm weighing 8lbs 5oz, and measuring 21 inches.

I was induced at 39 weeks on a Monday at 8pm, because baby was measuring big my whole pregnancy and the doctor didn't want me going past my due date. I also had higher levels of amniotic fluid in the womb and baby had dilated kidneys for awhile, but they were less of a concern towards the end.

I got cytotec around 9pm, started having mild contractions around 10pm. My contractions were coupling the whole time so they didn't give me the second dose of cytotec until 8 am the next morning. They also started me on pitocin. They had to turn the pitocin off and back on a few times throughout the labor process due to my contractions coupling, not spacing out properly and my uterus not relaxing in between contractions.

I was hoping to do a natural labor, but tapped out at 5cm dilated because I didn't get a break between contractions. I was able to have him vaginally and I didn't tear, only had a few scraps on my libia that needed a few stitches.

This was our first born and he was healthy as can be and did well throughout the medication adjustments and everything. He latched really well right off the bat, just took a bit to get the proper latch. The only issue we had was jaundice levels being a bit high, but they're finally going down🤞 he's beyond precious and melts my heart when I see his cute face. I may lose a lot of sleep during the night, but I know this only lasts for so long.