4 month sleep regressions at 5 months or..?


SOS, send help. My daughter is 5 months and started rolling over so we knew it was time to unswaddle. She has been an amazing sleeper (7pm-7am) in her crib, in the dock a tot, swaddled tight.

We knew it would be a rough transition but holy hell. She is up almost every hour screaming or just wide awake and chatty. It’s night 6 and I don’t know what to do.

Could this be the sleep regression hitting late or do you think related to being unswaddled? We tried the nested bean, swaddling with one arm out, with both arms out and completely unswaddled. Nothing makes a difference. She also been eating a lot more and eating during the night which she didn’t use to do.

When will it end???? I’m so tired and my husband and I argue about it non stop.