Do you still labor faster the second time if the first was a cesarean?


I was induced with pre-e at 36 weeks. I didn’t dilate pst a 4 and I feel strongly that I could have under better circumstances. I.e. not being bed ridden and induced before my body was in any way ready. I ended up having a csection after laboring for 46 hours. It was a traumatic experience and I really want a vbac and an unmedicated one if possible. So I’m wondering, I always here second time moms progress much faster because it’s a been there done that situation. Does that mean that even though this is my second, my cervix never did what a vaginal birth would have done, so in a way isn’t my cervix a first timer?

Have any vbacs still experienced and easier faster labor than what a first time mom would?

Thanks in advance 😊

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