Relationship Roles

I’ve been dating my boyfriend for about 10 months. He plays professional baseball for an independent team, so he doesn’t make much money. (Maybe like $400/month).

To me, money has never been an issue. I hold my own and I’m comfortable enough in our relationship to be okay with splitting date nights and things like that. (We don’t live together).

He plays for a team about 2,000 miles away, so I’ve been paying for my flights there and back to go see him plus Airbnb and for any activities/food we do/eat while I’m there.

I’ve been lying to my friends and family saying that he doesn’t pay for anything when I travel to see him and I feel so incredibly guilty for it.

Sometimes I wish he was in a more financially stable place that he could support me financially a little more, or pull some of the weight that comes with traveling. I’ve always expected myself to make more than my spouse, and it doesn’t bother me because my boyfriend is extremely goal driven, very financially literate, and has a very stable income during the off season as a trainer/coach.

Has anyone else experienced this??

Please help I’m worrying myself sick because I lied to my parents (who haven’t met him yet) that he’s been paying for my flights (which is a total lie).