Male partner tells female partner porn makes him insecure


So this shouldn’t be controversial but sometimes I think on this site everything is 😂

I have seen conflicting posts over the past year that sometimes seem like a double standard.

Ex: Man masturbates frequently/regularly, woman feels sad. Posters tell her to leave him, he has a problem, etc

Ex2: Woman posting that husband doesn’t like her sex toys, he feels inadequate that she prefers toys to him. Posters tell her to leave, find more secure man, etc

In particular, I see a TON of posts about porn, specifically that husband/bf watching porn makes her feel insecure.

Addiction/religious reasons aside, I feel like this often indicates a deeper problem that should be explored. Not saying the poster is wrong, just think porn is a symptom rather than the issue itself.

So, my question is: if a woman posted that her partner didn’t like her watching porn and wanted her to stop because it made him feel insecure, what would your response be? Additionally, do you feel like there’s a double standard in relationships for women to be told to flee at the drop of a hat and men to conform to whatever the woman wants?

Personally, I like porn when I’m in the mood and would kind of feel like it was a bit unreasonable. I’d probably try and see if I could figure out a way to boost his confidence and also enjoy my me time 😉

Just curious!

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