BCG Jab discharge

Monixxx • Baby born March ‘19. TTC #2

Has anyone’s little one had the BCG jab for TB? I know it’s not given to everyone anymore but to those who fit the criteria.

My husband and I are both British born Indian and my mum was born in India therefore my son had the jab at 19 days old.

I know it causes a blister and a scar, but he is 4 months and today it started oozing with pus. I called 111 and went to the out of hours clinic and they gave me antibiotics (flucloxacillin) to give to my son (5 times a day for 5 days).

However I’m reading conflicting information online. Online it says that as the TB jab is a live jab, this can happen and it will go away. Not infected. I have checked his lymph nodes under his armpit and they aren’t raised. I’ve also come across information that if I give antibiotics, it reduces the effectiveness of the jab.

There has not been any pus since it came out earlier today. Shall I start the course of antibiotics? I’m a bit wary but I just don’t want to risk infection. I’ve attached a photo for reference. That is what the site looks like now. I just want to know if anyone has had similar experiences etc. Thanks in advance.