my fiancée is amazing


this isn’t a post particularly asking for advice or talking about sex but i just wanted to talk about how amazing my fiancée is because he makes me feel like i am the most amazing person on earth to ever set foot on this godforsaken planet. he isn’t afraid to touch my body (even though it is grotesque and i am much larger than he is.), he actually manages to make me somewhat feel attractive, he cuddles me whenever i need it and emotionally uplifts and supports me in ways nobody else and i mean literally nobody except for my closest friends in the world have. for a long time i was certain and even somewhat determined that i was going to just spend the rest of my life by myself, and i was okay with that. i was okay with being content and settling with what my life was giving me at the time. but then i met him and it was as if everything changed. my future was suddenly clouded with visions of him, and he was someone i definitely wanted in my life. i knew almost instantaneously that he was better than anyone i had ever been with and it is riveting. i cannot believe i am even this lucky to have someone like this and i do not know what i did to have someone so kind, gentle, and caring towards me in my life. but i hope he knows and feels loved and appreciated and happy and is not just telling me these things to make me happy and spare my feelings. anyways, i really just hope we are together for a long time because i want to make him as happy as possible and support him in ways nobody else ever has.