Is it true that miscarriage causes destruction to uterus?

Gabriela-Jacquelina • 22🦋 Bikini Designer & Expressionist Painter 🦋 CEO of GGBIKINI

My mother in law told me, after losing our second baby, that miscarriages cause damage to the uterus and that I need to take care of myself better. I haven’t heard of this and would like to know if it is true.

I am 22 and have had two miscarriages. One at 8 weeks and now one at 4 weeks. It feels terrible. I can’t help but feel like this is not normal.

I am doing a cleanse of cucumbers and detox teas and lots of water for now, before graduating to a full blown parasite and womb cleanse because I believe strongly in natural medicine. (I studied natural medicine). I have always had painful and long periods. This could be accumulation of mucus and bacteria. I strongly believe that I have accumulated so much garbage in my body, I feel sluggish and sick all the time. I eat terribly and need to clean it up and make a change. I know it is wrong because I’ve studied it.

I feel like I have a nasty bug or parasite. I will be giving up all animal products: meat, chicken, turkey (i already don’t eat pork), eggs, milk, wheat as well and anything containing any of the above.

I want to start over after this. I know it’s because my body is not well inside. I want to heal. I want to have a belly with a baby in it that I can love forever.

Can anyone share: tips for healing from miscarriage, guidance, thoughts, anyone who has done a cleanse and been successful with pregnancy, any input... it would be greatly appreciated.

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