
Ok. Bear with me, this might be very long.

There’s a guy. He’s a really good friend of mine and I have a huge crush on him. We met freshman year of college and we’ll be starting our sophomore year next month. I’m a bit conflicted on what to do, because a lot of our friends want us together and are constantly saying little remarks here and there when we’re together and of course I want us together. I just don’t know if he wants the same, since he gives mixed signals.

For instance, he’s always been very flirty with me, since pretty much the day I met him and as the year went on, him and I got closer and closer, to where we would lowkey flirt in front of our friends, be very touchy, hold hands, that kind of stuff. All these things were giving me the impression that he liked me back, but when one of our mutual friends asked him if he liked me he said something along the lines of “no way, she’s like a little sister to me” which hurt, but it could’ve just been him not ready to admit his feelings? He’s also very caring for me, always there when I’m having a bad day or need someone to talk to, and genuinely cares about my wellbeing and safety, to the extent a boyfriend would, like caring more than a friend does.

Another occasion I really thought solidified his feelings for me was when I was over at his place and we were laying on his bed watching a movie and he started tickling me and I tried to make him stop but he pinned my arms and kept on and was leaning over me, and I was laughing and having such a good time and so was he, then he stopped and his face got kinda serious and he was just staring at my face and caressing it with his hand and he looked like he was about to kiss me. The feeling was just there and then it’s like he convinced himself not I overthinking everything or does it seem like he has feelings for me and just doesn’t want to face them yet?

Please give me some solid advice I’m so confused over whether I should try to get over him or keep hope. I have tons of other stories between him and I if y’all want more to make a conclusion.

Thanks for any help, it means the world to me 💛