Dear ex best friend

I don’t like what happened between us, but you can never admit when you’re truly in the wrong. You couldn’t even see how your behavior towards my boyfriend was wrong. It frustrates me because we had been best friends for like 6 years. You may think I hate you, but I don’t. I was just hurt and angry especially with the way you went behind my back. I had good news the other day and the person I wanted to tell was you. But I don’t think you’ll ever grow up because of the bad decisions you made in the past besides now. Especially choosing a (now ex) boyfriend who does drugs over your best friend who wanted the best for you. I don’t think going to jail for a night made you learn your lesson either. I really do hope the best for you, and that you do grow up and learn from your mistakes. And that one day, maybe you can be mature enough to realize how you were in the wrong and apologize to me. And that the apology becomes a door for a new beginning at being friends again. The saying “A best friend wants what’s best for you until you have better” is 100% true when it comes to you.