I have a question about sexuality

That Bitch

Ok so here’s the tea; before I got with my bf I hooked up (well we only kissed but you know the deal) with a mutual friend of ours (it was before my bf and I really started getting to know each other it’s cool this is not the issue) and before that I had only ever made out with the people I hooked up with (so what I’m saying is my bf was my first) now the thing is. I have never been turned on by any of the people I kissed, I have wanted to kiss them because that felt good, but I wasn’t turned on by it and I was really uncomfortable thinking of anyone in a sexual setting... until the friend. (And just to clarify: no I am not into this friend anymore) basically that night was the only time I wanted to do more than make out. It should also be stated that we had actually agreed to not make out that night due to some drama with another friend of ours (ALL THE MUTUAL FRIENDS) so we had just been talking and getting to know eachother (surprisingly well I might add) before the inevitable happened. NOW. I have a hard time getting myself off. I know. What a build up to this. It was never an issue before I met my bf but now it’s really difficult. I don’t get turned on unless I think about him and the things I want to do to him/him to do to me and it’s frustrating! Now my issue isn’t about my sexlife (well I guess it kinda is but bare with me here) my issue is that these are the only people to have turned me on. Not even the first guy I fell in love with turned me on (that’s another can of worms with some bad chemistry involved). So what am I? I know a lot of people are gonna go “don’t worry about it you don’t have to put a label on it” but I really do. I need labels on things like this. And I’m really confused.