Fertile mucus?

Vicky • Finley 31/08/16 💙 Percy 16/03/20 💙 Baby girl <3 May 2025

So I came off my pill march 19th and up until the last couple days I've had just creamy lotion cervical mucus literally it didn't change texture or colour at all, my periods are also messed up (use to be super regular) I had a 44 day cycle before my first natural period and I'm day 59 now still no period, I had pain in my left side yesterday for a bit and today and yesterday when I've pooped I've had lots of egg white cervical mucus, for the first time since getting pregnant with my son over 3 years ago (we have done the deed the last 3 nights as well), I've looked it up and bowel movements can aid in checking your cervical mucus because it brings it down your vaginal canal, could it be possible for me to ovulate now? When I haven't had a period in nearly 2 months? I know it takes time for them to regulate