Potty trained in a day!


I have twins who are going to turn 3 on the 8th. In December, we tried to potty train my daughter thinking she was ready, but she wasn't. So we gave up. We didn't try for my son because we knew he wasn't ready. Fast forward 6 months.

Our house is all carpet. So we bought $3 tarpaulins from Walmart and dollar store shower liners to cover the living room. Blocked off access to the formal dining room, got all their toys to one place. And...go cold Turkey! Left them in their shirts. My son had 6 accidents because he had no idea what a pee sensation feels like. So we kept telling him it's ok and he shouldn't cry. 7th time, he told us he needed to go. And when he did, we gave him a hot wheels car (you get 10 for $10 at Kroger) saying he did a good job. Since then, he told us every time he had to go. Yesterday, he went to the potty seat straight without telling us, pulled down his diaper and peed and pooped by himself. We gave him a big transport truck, he earned it!! So proud of my little boy.

On the other hand, my daughter is partially trainer because she is intentionally going in diaper. She did go in the potty seat some times, but twice, she escaped us when we were having lunch, pooped in her diaper and then told us. We are still working on her but my son is fully potty trained. Only during the day though. We still put them in overnights during the night.

My suggestion (I got from the daycare teacher) - Cold Turkey!

No, they didn't slip on tarps, they were jumping, running and playing on them happily.