Rogue TTC Journey


I'm having a very rough day in regards to my TTC journey. My husband and I got some unsettling news from his recent medical testing, where I've been crying off and on all day.

My husband and I have been married going on 10 years in August, and we haven't been blessed with a single child. So we decided to go to our doctors last January to see what's wrong.

Long story short, my husband is infertile. Where he's not producing any sperm. He was born with CMT aka Charcot Marie Tooth Disease which is a genetic disorder that he got from his mother.

He went to a urologist recently to get a ultrasound and blood tests for his LH and testosterone levels checked. Which also came back normal.

Sadly the urologist couldn't provide us with any new answers. He's referring my husband to OSHU in Portland, Oregon where they do genetic testing to see what CMT he has. Plus if we want to know if my husband even has sperm in his testicles that my husband would have to do a testicle biopsy. If we went that road, we would have to pay for everything out of pocket.

We've already looked into adoption in Oregon, and the cost can go up to $24,000. We checked on <a href="">IVF</a> but we don't have $10,000 which we don't have. There is a program where we live that does artificial insemination but it costs $2,000.

These past 7 months have been so difficult and heartbreaking that it's made our TTC journey even harder.