In need of help and advice ...


So since I posted this else where I was advised I wouldnt get help there and to come over here so . we shall see ..

So ive ben working since October. My 4th child was only 3 months old when I went back to work. She was exclusively breastfed . I've always ben the one to stay at home with the kids raise them and so on with my first I worked 7 months while she was about 3 I believe . and I was also preggo with our son . but I've always ben at home with the kids. They were breastfed as well . with the baby I had a year ago now . my husband kept stressing it to me that I start working he would find a job and so on and so forth . now here we are I'm still working trying to keep everything in order . (we just moved ) and my 1 year old get so attached to me while I'm getting ready for work . she cries and cries and screams . it makes it so hard for me to get ready for work because hubs is "doing other things not important " I feel so bad . because she just wants to be held and breastfed (yes she still is breastfed) today I called off work because I just couldn't leave her like that . and it put me in some kinda funk . I work for wal mart btw and I dont have a car so I take a lyft to and from . before we moved it was about 8 or $9 to and from .now its about 15 to $17! So about $30 a day . its killing my bank account .! Plus I'm only making about $55. A day ! . in just venting now I guess . but I feel some kinda way that hubs gets to stay with the kids . there I said it ! Things don't get taken care of like they need to . you know how us women and moms are there's just some things that I can do that he can't yes it should be a 50/50 type of relationship or things I should be dealt with financially 50/50 but at times it stresses me out because I feel like it's all on me like if I don't go to work I know I'll be penalized for that or I could possibly lose my job but some days I just get in this funk about not going I was raised that the man took care of the family . and the mother took care of the house hold . now I see fathers staying home n meanwhile I have to go to work come home make sure the kids have are bathed clean and so on . some time . all I do is worry and on top of it all I have high blood pressure . some may say this is all excuses and I understand you have to do what you have to do some time but I'm just lost right now what should I do or what would you do in this situation ???