What a night 😴

Chesh • Mummy to Theodore and Daniel

Babys last bottle was at about 6pm. I had to eat dinner rocking him because he would not settle (my partner did try when he finished his dinner before me, but that didn't work). We got our oldest in bed, and spent a couple of hours downstairs with each other - both on separate games, but both of us had a long day. It rolled round to 10pm and my partner started making his lunch for work while I sterilised bottles. He wanted to go straight to bed, I told him I'd follow after baby had his next bottle because he should be waking up for one soon. He goes upstairs to sleep, I fall asleep on the sofa waiting for baby to wake. I wake up just past midnight, baby is still asleep. I figure whatever, I'll go to bed, if he wakes in the night then I'll just get up whenever he does. I fall back asleep. Just before 3am, I wake up to the sound of crying. Baby is fine. 4 year old sounds distressed. Go through to his room, comfort him, ask what happened. The most I can get from him is "the orange one looked at me and scared me and I cried". Still no idea what he means. It's now 3:30am. Baby still hasn't woken up for a bottle and I now have my 4 year old in my bed adamant that he wants to be in between my partner (his Dad) and I, but refusing to be under our blanket because he's got his own. So I've had to find a second blanket just so everyone can still have covers on... I have to be up in 4 hours to get my 4 year old ready for nursery, and apparently going back to sleep isn't going to happen... 🤦‍♀️