No one was expecting this...
I was over due and my doctor didn’t want me going past a week overdue since I was carrying so much.
My doctor decided to induce me at 40 weeks + 3 days.
She gave me an ultrasound to check everything and said she thinks he’s about 7 lbs and I just have A LOT of fluid.
Well, anyways, I go in at 6 am to get induced at 3cm dilated.
By 7 am I’m on pitocin and they break my water.
At this point, I’m flooding. Towel after towel was filling. Every time I get up there’s huge gushes.
Every nurse that comes in can’t believe how much i leaked.
After that, I am doing good and I’m gettin through each contraction until I reach about 6cm where I ask for the epidural.
After the epidural I get to about a 7/8cm, and then I get stuck there for a bit.
My doctor mentioned to my nurse that she doesn’t think my cervix is favorable, and that if I don’t progress I’m going to need a c section.
My nurse does everything she can to help me progress so I can go vaginal. Flipping me in any way she thinks may help. I was so grateful she was ready to work hard with me to give me what I wanted.
When my doctor checked me, I was dilated to
About a 9.
My doctor stuffed her hand inside me and told
Me at my next contraction to push, so I did.
And I pushed my way to a 9 1/2.
She then calls anesthesia to come turn off my epidural, so I can push the rest of the way to get my son out.
Soon after the epidural is turned off, we put me in position to start pushing, before it completely wore off.
Within 16 minutes, I pushed out my son. and I’m crying. Because it hurt like hell. I’m completely overwhelmed. My entire being is flooded with emotions.
I am so proud of my boyfriend who was so worried about being there and DID NOT want to cut the cord, who has been one of the best support people I could have ever had, and cut the cord with only a little bit of hesitation 😂
And all I want is my baby but they are measuring him and doing everything they can to make
Sure he’s okay.
Everything happened so fast, until my nurse yelled out “10lbs 4oz”
And it was like time stopped.
My doctors eyes got huge. I start crying even harder and the first real thing I said after my son is born is “you are joking”. My best friend starts laughing between her sobs. My boyfriends face is still white as a ghost.
At this point, my doctor starts checking everything with me down there a little more frantically, and she is settles down, telling me me how she’s quite impressed because despite a lot of bleeding, I actually only had normal minor tearing and nothing was torn on my cervix.
I only barely needed one stitch.
With my son being so big,
There were a few concerns.
One of them being that I had so much bleeding initially that they were a little worried it wouldn’t stop bleeding excessively. But it did.
The second being, my sons sugars dropping because he’s so big and me not being able to feed him enough to keep them up. But as soon as they laid him on my chest, he instantly started nursing. And from the time he was laid on my chest, until about 3am, he was pretty much just being switched from boob to boob, with a few times between where my boyfriend and best friend held him. Not sure how much he actually got, but it was enough to keep his sugars up.
I didn’t know what to expect having a baby, but having almost everything work within my favor was not it.
I had dreamt up of every single worse case scenario, and despite having a 10 lb baby who was stubborn and didn’t want to come out, everything was pretty much perfect.
I am so blessed to be his momma
This entire experience has been so surreal.


Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.