21 days late

Only have had some light pink/peach bleeding when I wipe and then nothing more happens. This has only happened 3 times total so far and I’m kind of curious as to what it could be? My cervix feels like it’s tight (if I squeeze a little to tighten) but then feels like it’s open a little when I relax but I just can’t tell if it’s open or closed. Currently slightly cramping in my lower back and lower abdomen, my hips hurt just a touch, breasts are sore and only getting worse, more tired than usual, urinating more often, dizziness, headaches, nauseous... pretty much every symptom that could be related to pregnancy, or PMS. Doctors did a blood test that said “pregnant” or “not pregnant” about 4 days ago and said it was negative. So idk what is going on 😭