36 weeks


Hey ladies! I knew I was being induced at 36 weeks but did not know that it would be so traumatic. It was a rough birth I’ll post details later as I am so tired still from last night. But I have to say I am so blessed to have my girls. Catherine Teresa and Riley Mae.

Update: So after 3 years, 4 miscarriages, 1 ectopic, and one round of ovarian cancer I finally got my rainbows 🌈 🌈. On July 1, 2019 I went to the doctor for my 2x a week check up. He had already tried to schedule an induction at 36 weeks exactly, but unfortunately the hospital not approve it. I had already gone info’s preterm labor at 34 weeks and they were able to stop it so I was frustrated that it was still going. Well he told me on that Monday (July 1st) that he was going to back door it and come up with something that would make them induce me because of the risk of me going pass 36 weeks. Wednesday we went to the doctor and before we went I checked my BP and it was 157/94. They checked it again at the office and it was 154/100. They put me in a room and my doctor came in and said it was time to go across the parking lot. So I went across and they took it again and it was 162/89. They started my IV at 9:30 am. Then about 11:30 they started the pitocin. At 12:30 my doctor came over and checked me and said bc of my BP he was going to break my water and get things moving faster. I was at 3cm at 9:00 at the office at 12:30 I was at 5. So they gave me my epidural and then sped things up. At about 2 or 3 I was at 8. At 4 I began to feel contractions. The epidural was wearing off. I was crying. The anesthesiologists came in a tried to push more through my epidural and she said it would take 40 mins at least. I was in so much pain. Every contraction got stronger and my husband had to come rub my back. I told my nurse through tears that the epidural still wasn’t working. She called another anesthesiologists and he gave me fentanyl and lord that helped. They came and checked me 2 hours later (6pm) and I was 9.5 cm. I stayed at 9.5 for about 2 more hours. Then my doctor came in and said that I was at 10 and it’s go time. She told me that we needed to do some practice pushes and then we would move to the OR in a few minutes. Well everyone said bye and went to the waiting room except my God mom, husband and mother in law. We began pushing and I felt everything! Stronger and stronger. The meds were wearing off quick. I felt like I was going to pass out with each push. Finally I asked what time it was. My husband said “it’s 10:19 baby.” I felt like crying. I had been pushing since 8 and baby girl A wasn’t even crowing. I felt like giving up. I was tired and weak and at points I couldn’t breathe. I felt like a failure. They had me lying on the bed, flat on my back, and would not let me use the stirrups. Meanwhile the nurse kept telling me to push harder. I’m like woman I am pushing. I would scream because screaming helped me push more and I was told I couldn’t scream. Finally the doctor comes in and I begged for a c section because I could not push anymore and she checked me and said she was right there. She wouldn’t let me. She said I can help with the vacuum but we’d have to go to the OR to do that because it was twins. (Which we were already prepared to do) I said anything to help me at this point illll take because I don’t have the strength to do it anymore. I said bye to my mother in law and my god mom and they rolled us back to the OR. They had hubby scrub up and wheeled me to the room. All the while my contractions are immensely painful. I remember telling myself just breathe through them and it’ll be ok. I was wheeled in without hubby because they had to get me on the table. The whole time they are moving me to the table and hooking me up I’m trying not to cry. I’m not even talking. I just kept thinking to myself where is my husband? I need him! This hurts so bad. I need my husband! They get my feet in the stirrups which look like the robo boots that you wear when you hurt your foot and I said if I’d had these back there Id been back here a lot sooner. Finally I hear my hubby in the hallway and I’m still not talking because it hurts so bad. He comes in and walks right up next to me and says I’m here baby. It’s ok. Nothing calmed me down more than him being there. Doctor came in and was getting situated and I got a really bad one and i breathed through it and said it hurts so bad! She goes if you’re feeling them then push because I’m ready when you are. I pushed and within 2 pushes baby A was out. I told my doctor I don’t want the next one after 12 and a nurse next to me told me well then you better push and I said I can’t there are no contractions. So they upped the pitocin and within 5 mins I felt them. I pushed as hard as I could and doc said I can see her head! You’re doing this one all by yourself! And then as soon as she said that Baby B was out. I pushed one more time after because I think it’s just her head that’s out (which it apparently was) and the rest of her slid out. My husband was taking pictures of Baby A and he heard I see her head and by time he turned around baby B was out. He describes the moment as Simba. Haha. They put her on my chest and let him cut her cord and he looked at me and said I’m so proud of you. Baby A, Catherine Teresa, was born at 11:18 pm and Baby B, Riley Mae was born at 11:29. They are beautiful and we are so blessed. Twins are rarely not put in the nicu and my girls were with me the entire time. 36 weeks exactly I got to meet my rainbow angels and I am so in love