Confused. Periods are getting more intense each passing month

I have been like clock work for about 6-7 months after I had gotten my mirena taken out. After that my periods started going out of wack every now and again they would be late or early or start odd to what I was use to like spotting first .. Or dark brown, they have started to be heavy as well when I would starting flowing... Sorry guys for tmi

...They still start about the same time though so thats good I'm hopping lok

A few time I have been up to 8 days late.... And all of a sudden for the last 3 periods I hve been seeing descent sized clots.. Like quater sized I usaully get like 2 high one then smaller ones. At time my period would start and stop and then be really heavy, i almost fainted a few months ago as well on my period IV felt very weak at times and really exhausted.. So many time we though we were pregnant... Now I'm starting to think somthing isnt right. I have a 6 year old btw...

This period now has been the worst IV ever had in my life intense wise just everything magnified it seems.. I have felt sick for more then week now with strong camps like stabbing or I do just really intense when they happen... Somtimes they are in the usual area I feel them but this time I'm feeling strong pains in the lower left side and my usual area.. It kind of feels like squeezing but they are stronger then iv ever been use to... 2 days ago I wipe and there was greasy blood then nothing since this morning .. Sorry for tno but I had black blood (I know that just mean old blood.. But today I'm in alot of pain... IV had back pain as well and the mood swings have been horrible... I'm crying so much its ridiculous lol ...i feel beyond emotional. I'm going to be setting up an appointment soon. Just curious if anyone is going through this on hear. Is this normal?... I does feel normal.....IV cried because I feel horrible. Sorry I didnt read back through this to much for spelling mistakes.. Its 3 A.m. here lol.... And I cant sleep😭