Glucose testing/Insulin injections in a restaurant?


This was a topic that sparked debate on Facebook recently. I am conflicted because I see both sides.

If you were in a restaurant and someone at a nearby table checked their glucose level and then prepared and utilized an insulin injection, how would you feel?

I am not diabetic. I have diabetic friends and family members, but have never witnessed them do this at a meal. Maybe they do it before, maybe after, maybe they are just more discreet. I do not know the ins and outs of diabetes.

I understand people NEED this insulin. I would never want someone to avoid using lifesaving medication for fear of offending someone. I understand that there may be circumstances where someone’s blood sugar is on the fritz or they forgot to use their medicine before entering the restaurant. Things happen, you do you to stay alive.

But on the flip side...the biohazardous material freaks me out a little. I have worked around blood and needles, and I wouldn’t want it near my food or dining area. I could see how it could be off putting and unappetizing to witness. Also, where would someone dispose of the used materials? Do restaurants typically have biohazard containers? Do they just put a cap on it and take it home? I truly have no idea. It is my understanding that insulin acts in 15 minutes, so it needs to be taken right before or right after a meal. Do you think it is reasonable to ask people to check levels and inject insulin in their car or in a bathroom?

This isn’t a post where I really feel strongly one way or the other, as I truly see both sides. However, I saw people getting really, really passionate about it on Facebook. It was also getting compared to showing gay pride and public breastfeeding, which I feel are completely different topics. 🤔

**Please note, I can see both sides. Truly not leaning one way or the other. No need to comment saying I hate people with chronic illness. I am epileptic, for Pete’s sake. Just share your opinions on the topic (not my character), and let’s discuss! 😊