My gf is trans and idk what to say sometimes


My girlfriend is trans mtf and she deals with body dysphoria and just generally really hates her body and I know she isn't in the right body but she's still beautiful and I don't know how to make her feel beautiful. I wish she could see herself like I see her, as a woman, and it makes me really sad.

I feel like I always say the wrong things when she's getting really depressed and last night she cried because she feels like she isn't able to please me sexually bc she has a dick and I told her I didn't want anyone but her and that she makes me so happy but she didn't believe me because she hasn't made me orgasm. I told her it's nothing she is or isn't doing it's me not being able to get out of my own head but she still doesn't believe me. I don't know what to do and I love her so much I just wish I knew what to say.