Maybe a girl!🤞🏼🤞🏼


Doctor couldn’t get baby on Doppler at our 14 week appointment today so I got a bonus ultrasound. I asked her to look just to see what she could. There was no obvious boy parts but baby had their legs crossed🙈 She checked a couple angles and said don’t buy pink yet but if she has to guess, girl😍 It’s our tiebreaker and both hubby and I want a girl. Hopefully it proves to be true!

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Same happened to us! The doc said she couldn’t guarantee but her opinion was it’s a girl. It’s our first so we were both kinda feeling like if we had to pick we’d like a boy (everyone says they’re easier, and we are super outdoorsy people, so I think our minds just automatically go to boys). But we are absolutely excited to have a baby girl. I’m going to do the clinical Sneek Peak on Monday now though, because this sorta knowing is almost worse than not knowing at all! 😂😬I’m really looking forward to being able to plan a little, I feel like it will bond us even more, & I love the idea of being able to call her by name soon!


Amy • Jul 10, 2019
Sneak peek is in & ITS A BOY! The doctor was wrong 😂


Amber • Jul 6, 2019
Sorta knowing is definitely worse than not at all🙈 The guessing is killing me! Boys are gross honestly😅 But they are easier once you get out of toddler stage. My daughter was a way easier baby but I truly think every baby is different. Fingers crossed baby is healthy and you get your boy still!🤞🏼❤️