ladies... i need some unbiased opinions

so, i met this guy four years ago & we went out once and talked for a bit but then stopped (he was away at school & i wasn’t really about it). after that date i had made up my mind i was over & done with it (especially since back then i was just trying to get laid as much as possible ... needless to say nothing happened between us.. not even in the slightest). whatever, no biggies never thought much about him.

fast forward to a few week ago, he texted me out of the blue & i was completely taken aback because it’s been legit four whole years.

whatever, we went out last week & i was completely blind sided & how much fun we had and how much chemistry there was between us (maybe that was all in my head but i was on FIRE .. legit my skin was so hot it was electric) before we parted ways he kissed me & i completely melted after that. it was a complete 180 from 4 years ago where I was so annoyed & couldn’t get home fast enough to last week where I was sooo enamored.

we were supposed to hang out this week but there was some schedule conflicts (he said he’d be fine to come out after his flight but I knew better). we ended up getting into a tidbit of a situation via text bc the boy is the driest texted known to man... I hate texting but I do it because it’s what people do. especially if you’re trying to get to know someone. it’s always like I’m pulling teeth to get a conversation going via text but in person... sparks everywhere.

so we got into a bit of a tiff bc I’m still upset that he committed to plans he knew he wasn’t going to be able to make (although he was really genuine about keeping his word). anyway i left it off as seen in the screenshot.

it’s been two days & radio silence... any words of advice? leave it alone or say something?

I normally just leave well enough alone bc if you’re interested you’ll make the effort but sometimes that back fires on me. But also, I feel as if I’m being pushy?! idk... help 😢🥺😫


I know the ratio of my texts vs. his is a lot but that’s just how I text, a million miles an hour. Plus he’s also like the world’s driest texter... I’m pretty easy to talk to & it’s been proven irl that way but we definitely can’t communicate over texting. I’m pretty funny & jokey & sarcastic when texting ... with him... it’s as if I’m a clam. It’s WEIRD.