Fewer naps a day


How did your LO transition to fewer naps a day? Mine is about 4 months old and he's gone from taking 6 or 7 naps a day to 5.. this changed essentially because we made his bedtime earlier (around 7-8pm). Now he's starting to sleep a bit longer during a few naps and is starting to stay awake longer in between. Is he ready to cut his last nap? He usually has one around 5-5:30 as his last one but today it's almost 4pm and he's only now just having his fourth. No sure if it will be 30 mins long or an hour 🤷‍♀️ Do I put him to bed slightly earlier tonight or get him to have a 5th nap? My husband seems to think if he's in bed by 6:30 that's way too early. It's one of the arguments we constantly have as he often wakes up at 5am and my husband claims it's because his bedtime is too early. Sigh.