Milk supply problems?


I'm a first time mom, baby is a few days over a month old..she was born a month early so breastfeeding never really happened because I could not get her to latch or focus on I resulted to pumping. My problem is I have to pump for 40 minutes to an hour to get 1 ounce to maybe an ounce and a half total and everytime I pump I get the same amount, it never increases which doesnt make sense to me..can anybody help me understand what I'm doing wrong or if my boobs just dont like me haha the stress is killing me🥴 which I'm sure isn't helping. I should add that I have tried mothers milk tea with no difference, I've taken fenugreek and brewers yeast, bought milkymama emergency brownies and pumping queen drops and havent really noticed a change yet. I drink a lot of water and a body armor drink a day...maybe just one of those people that doesnt have the boobs for milk production? ☹😫