Relationships and Perspective

I feel like my perspective on relationships and how they work is so different than most. I've never been one to "fantasize" about the elusive one... I feel like it sets you up for unrealistic expectations. I also don't understand the "instantaneous love" for example, "as soon as I met them I knew they were the one for me!". That doesn't make sense to me, I have to collect the data and analyze it before I could think that way.

As for being in a relationship, it takes effort and building. Sometimes it might get a little dull as you fall into a routine, so you need to spice it up. Not just give up because it's not the same as when you first started dating. Your partner can't read your mind, though it would be nice at times. I genuinely feel like there is a difference between talking and communicating. Communicate all the things that weigh on you and any fears and doubts, your partner can't be there for you if you don't open up to them.

I guess more than anything I just needed to rant.