Dear Dad

I wish you were here.... i hate I don’t have you to talk to through the worst time of my life... you were here for me through everything with the best advice. I need your advice at the time I feel like I have 12,000 people telling me what to do...I’m heartbroken. I can’t believe this person could do some things. I wonder...does this person feel any guilt? Does this person care at all? Does this person know the pain they have caused me? I doubt it & I feel like a part of my soul has been ripped out of me. As I cry I know you would give me a hug and tell me what I should do. I hate this....I would tell you this isn’t fair and you would say, “Well, life isn’t fair.”(it was always his saying lol🤪) I have beat the odds to be alive right now and at this time it feels like it was all for nothing...

I love you dad. I miss you! Please (if you can) send me a sign on what to do....