opinion ?


so this guy came back into my life and we used to talk but he cut things off because he was graduating college and moving and he said he knew we wouldnt get to see each other. WELL fast forward 2/3 months to early June he hits my line saying he wants to try again and we would maybe make it work. we have been texting a month but since now he does live so far away it is hard to see each other so we haven’t yet bht I didn’t ask to see him the 11/12th because I had the days off work! And he said he would let he know? well last night I asked him what he was doing and he said he was getting ready to go to a party? well I was obviously upset and said “ oh okay.” And he never replied so at 2 am I sent a separate text pictured below and was very thoughtful saying have fun and call if you need anything and say safe and he didn’t text until the morning and literally didn’t even mention the text! :( and for the past two days he barely texts me. idk why? he can’t be just wanted sex because the distance apart. so my question on this is what is your thoughts? what should I say? what do I do? pS. I never text him first. he always text me first and says good morning or afternoon.