

I feel completely blank when I’m doing anything. Whether there’s a smile on my face, or not. My heart feels dead I have no emotions besides extreme sadness to where I can’t even fkn cry. I just need a hug. My friends are all druggies and only care about themselves because they are preppy girls. I just want someone to care. The only way I can think of that is by committing suicide. I want everyone to hurt as bad as I am because they never cared for me. Never done a nice thing for me. Never once asked me how I was. Just if I had boys to hang with. Late night thoughts will be the death of me. Any time I tell someone I was sad they would look the other way. I told my best friend I got raped and she told me “I’m sorry did you tell your mom” and I said no then she changed the subject. That’s my friends. That’s my life. I don’t want to be apart of it anymore. Evil. This world is completely evil. I can’t imagine it being any worse dead.

Sad I have to come to this app for comfort. If that doesn’t tell you something i dont know what does.