Help pls


Okay so Idk what my issue is and it really bothers me but I just can’t seem to stay interested in any hobbies. I don’t really enjoy doing anything anymore it seems. And I feel so bad bc my bf always wants to go do stuff and i try so hard to go do things, like for example today he wanted me to go to this airsoft field with him and I said yes but as we got closer and closer I just kept getting a bigger knot in my stomach and I told him I didn’t feel well and so I’m sitting in the car instead of out playing with him. I just got so nervous or something. And it’s the same with hanging out with more than one person. If my friends ask me to hang out Ill come by for a little bit but after like no more than an hour I tell them i need to go home. Idk what’s wrong with me and I wish I didn’t feel this way about everything. What do I do??