I can do this alone


Broken down in tears because everyone in my family turned their backs on helping me because my 3 ur old and 18 m old are too much. Even my own husband has been out drinking none stop and the day before my scheduled csection he was suplosed to help me get everything ready and finish all the shopping he ditched me telling me dont give him more stress and he needed to relax with his friends before coming home to deal with his kids and I. So here it is almost 10 i spent hrs in town making sure my babies will have everything needed while im in the hospital and last things for the hospital/baby on the way. Came home to clean, cook, and try to pack put the baby bed together set up the rest of the stuff and make sure all is ready for the other children. My body hurts like F*** and guess what he still isnt here. To the point i done all this alone this pregnancy with toddlers so i know damn well i can get through my csection alone so i plain out told him he isnt welcome he can just go to work. He now states he isnt coming home. All i can do is cry i will be up most the night get get finished and early tomorrow to pick up the lady i am paying to stay with my kids and run her to walmart all before my csection. I feel like im about to break but i CAN do this ALONE.