I may be pregnant???

I was hoping to get some insight from those who have been pregnant!

I am 8 days late on my period and I have had some slight nausea in the mornings the past 3 days.. nothing crazy that I needed to run and puke but def enough to wake me up. My boyfriend also noticed my boobs have gotten bigger. Im using the bathroom ALOT now too, im urinating more frequently and I feel like I have to go so bad but then its only a little bit coming out. Im also pooping like 5-6 times a day.

I stopped taking birth control 2 months ago and last period I was late by 15 days but I didnt experience any of these symptoms.

I took a hpt 3 days ago and it was negative, but maybe its too early to tell if I am?

Im not sure if I may be pregnant or its just my body getting used to not being on birthcontrol.

Im scared about getting my hopes up just to not be pregnant 😅