
Hi, last month I got my period about 3 days earlier then I normally do, which is very uncommon, if anything my period is usually late, not early, and it only lasted 3 days which again never has happened, usually will last 5 days or so.

My boyfriend and I usually use condoms but this one time we didn’t have any so he just pulled out... this was about 2 months ago, but I got my period a few weeks after we had sex so I wasn’t thinking I was pregnant until i started having unusual symptoms...

I have sore breasts, at times very sore, I went to the doctor and got a breast exam and was told nothing was abnormal so I don’t know what this is, I’ve been having a runny nose for a week now with sneezing and it’s not a cold, I look bloated, sometimes nauseous, and just not myself.

I am 8 months PP and I barely had any pregnancy symptoms when I was pregnant with my son.

My period isn’t due for another 2 weeks, should I take a test? Anyone else experienced this before?
