Passed out during shower sex 😬

So tonight was quite eventful.

After putting our son to bed my husband and I hopped into the shower for some us time. When he had me bent over he was teasing me, pulling almost all the way out and then going back in.


I immediately stood straight, in some much pain, leaned against the shower wall saying “wrong hole....I feel like I’m gonna pass out” and him apologizing.

Next thing I know, he’s shaking me “wake up, wake up, you passed out” and I wake up like

Seriously - I woke up thinking I fell asleep while we were having sex in bed only to realize I passed out in the shower!

I felt so confused and only vaguely remembered what happened - he caught me and no one was hurt but holy smokes

And now literally all I can do is laugh...

Pain + standing up quickly + hot moisture in the air = passing out ladies - be safe 😂