So I'm 26

I went to go visit my cousin this past weekend cause she just had a baby and I wanted to visit her and see the baby. Her husband was there as well. She tells need to have a baby before you're 30 so you wont have to worry about getting up and changing diapers and your kids will be able to walk and do things on their own. I looked at her like wow how a petty way to think. All I said to her was "no I feel I'll be more ready in my 30s" and her husband says "dont listen to her just enjoy your 20s and enjoy your boyfriend having kids is not something to be rushing to do in your 20s" and she goes "whatever I'm glad I had all mine while I'm young so I won't have to worry about changing diapers and they can do everything themselves" apparently she thinks 30s is old..and her way of thinking is immature. She's 25 and has 3 babies and struggling. So why would I want to put myself in the same situation. I'm not even financially ready for a baby. But I know by time I hit 30 actually before 30..more at 28 I'll be 100% financial stable but I'm in no rush.