For those with infertility or know someone with infertility


I started reading Infreakinfertility and almost started crying when I read these words

"it’s not your fault. It’s not your fault that you aren’t pregnant yet. You’re trying just as hard as other people, probably harder. If you’re like me, it’s tempting to blame yourself or your partner or both. I blamed myself for not relaxing enough, for not having enough sex or having it at the wrong time, for the experimental acne medication I took in high school, for the raging eating disorder, and for not being able to overcome my genetic disposition. And for using lotions with parabens. The parabens were the culprit for sure. And growing up on Velveeta and Hot Pockets and too much BPA in all the canned foods we ate in the ‘80s before farmers’markets were a thing we did in the suburbs."

Whenever I talk to someone about my infertility they always have ideas for me to try, "just relax" "have sex more often" "are you having sex x amount of days before ovulation" "you're not pregnant again because you have sex with your daughter in the house, why don't you let me watch her" Everyone always thinks there is something I could be doing better or differently. I never realized it until I read those words.

You're not alone and you're doing everything right, hang in there. ❤