Confused & Wondering

Angelene • Wife 💍 TTC baby #1 👶🏼 In Love ❤️ Endometriosis & PCOS 👎

So this was my first cycle ever tracking BBT along with the OPKs. It was looking promising around CD20, which is where I’ve previously gotten positive OPKs. As you can see from the OPK screenshot, all negative. They would start to get darker and then back to lighter then back to darker. So confused. I was thinking maybe I just didn’t catch my positive so I kept doing the BD on days I thought were important, just in case. However, now looking at the BBT chart after this mornings temperature I’m even more confused.

Anyone have some insight on this or recommendations? We’ve been trying for 5 years now for our first. I’ve been to the fertility specialists and after all testing (on me and my husband) nothing is wrong with us and we have what it takes to make the babies. They assumed we were just missing on timing with ovulation. But looking at these OPKs, doesn’t even look like I’ll be doing that this month.
