I'm kinda pissed this morning...would you be?

Last night was a very normal night. My husband and I watched the Great British Baking show before bed. We indulged in a little ice cream, talked, and went to bed. We didn't drink, we didn't fool around, nothing sexy about last night. Went to bed around 11. I wake up at 1230 and he's lifted my shirt up and is sucking on one of my nipples. At first I'm a little confused because he stops when I move. I sit up, go pee, and climb back into bed. He doesn't say anything.

Im not facing him but I say "I don't want you touching my body while I'm sleeping" and he says "I know. I'm sorry. I must have been a sleep too" and I started to get mad and I said "that's still not ok. Especially given my past" and he apologized again and we went back to bed.

Brief history on me - my ex husband and I share two kids. After our second son was born he forced me to have sex with him when I was four days postpartum and it continued for about 9 months. He always said he was asleep when it happened. He even went to a sleep study and they diagnosed him with "sexsomnia".

This morning I'm still mad. I'm not like yell in his face mad but I am feeling like I don't want to talk to him this morning. It's never happened before with him but I am really grossed out by it and angry.

Would you be mad?

Is this normal guy behavior?

My husband is literally one of the most caring and understanding men I've ever met. He's gentle, a wonderful dad and step dad. I truly believe he would never hurt me but I also never thought hed be touching my body while I was sleeping.

What should I do? He already apologized so I don't feel like I can talk to him again about it right?

We are trying to conceive so we've been having sex a lot. Like every other day or more but I still don't think that means that my body should be touched without my permission.

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