Ugly Disposition

Good morning all!

So I need some advise...

I am currently in a relationship with a man that has what I feel attitude issues. Just to give you a little background, his sister passed away a few years ago and she was an alcoholic. He drinks but not a lot. Since we moved in together l, he has been in his feelings about me drinking as I will drink wine at night or on the weekend. Now I don’t get drunk and go to work everyday, sometimes working 10-12 hours. Every time we have a disagreement, he tells me I don’t remember what was said implying that if I had a glass of wine that is the reason. He tends to focus on the little things like my 11 year old not picking things up or his room having things laying around. And when I go and clean it up he tells me I am the problem. If we argue he will say things like “just let me get my things together and he will go,” but then he walks around not talking and after time he will act like nothing ever happened. I really care about him but it is very hard to continue like this. I have helped him get back on his feet financially and am trying to get myself back on track as he does not work everyday which means I for the most part take care of the majority of the bills. I am currently thinking about getting a second job to get things back on track but he said he is not going to go to a 9-5. I am just looking to get some advise as I am also currently in school and just need to have someone to talk to that is impartial and can give good advise.

Thanks in advance