Heart broken 💔

Me and my SO have been trying for baby #2 for about 11 months. After my first baby I was put on the Mirena and with that I didn’t have a period for about a year. I got it removed back in June last year and started trying for baby #2 in September. After trying for 4 months and no luck I went to the dr. And found out I was having anovulatory cycles, so my dr put me on clomid. Since I have very irregular periods I had to take provera pills as well to start a period. After 4 failed rounds of clomid (no ovulation occurred AT ALL on either round) my dr decided to try me on Femera (Letrozole) this cycle and I just got my results back and again NO OVULATION OCCURRED AT ALL. I’m at a loss because I’m only 22 and it was soo easy when I got pregnant with my now 2 year old baby boy. I don’t know what else to do and it’s breaking my heart. I’m a person who believes in signs and maybe God is telling me that I’m at a point in my life that isn’t ready for another baby. I’m trying to stay hopeful as I await my nurse to call back and tell me my next steps. Thank you for reading this