Suggestions and advice please

So I’m on “light activity/ bed rest” and I’m not allowed to eat any salty foods for the next week... and all I want to do is go to the mall and have a big crispy chicken sandwich and fries... I’m only allowed to do “light” chores around the house and I’m required to rest multiple times a day.... IM SO BORED! I usually like to go for a long walk or go to the grocery store, but due to my blood pressure my dr doesn’t want me doing either.... what can I do in my house that will make me not so bored... I feel trapped and anxious because I don’t know what to do. (I’m not a big tv/movie person because I like to be moving and doing things, I like to draw and paint but not for more than half an hour because I get antsy and want to DO something) please help. I’m being induced on Friday night, and idk if I can mentally take a whole week stuck doing nothing. 😩😩