Trigger and marriage

I need help. I’m drowning I’ve never been so low.

My husband has a porn problem. We’ve been married 8 years. In the beginning of our marriage this caused ALOT of issues so much that I’ve wanted to leave him many times. But every time I took him back, trusting God he could repair our marriage. Just recently he told me he had been unfaithful as well by paying for a blowjob by a prostitute. This was 5 days before I gave birth to our son. I was completely devastated again, it broke me. However I chose to try to move on and focus on our son because our son needs me. Now 4 months later, I’m still dealing with the hurt and betrayal. I told him we need marriage counseling so we did that last night. Our pastors are his parents so we always would go to them. I feel like they do help us a lot but somehow I always feel like they don’t really have advice on how I can heal from this other than pray to God for healing. So last night he confessed he had still been struggling with porn. I feel like we just keep rewinding and going in circles. Here we are again dealing with the same issues. Betrayal, distrust. How can I ever trust or look at him with love again?? I’m seriously considering divorce this time again because I’m so tired of going through the same hurt over and over. To me he has been unfaithful. I don’t know what to do. Please pray for us