Father in law

Don't have places to vent except to my husband or just ugly crying in my car because im just to emotionally drained.

I've never clicked with my fil because of views and how he overall carries himself. He doesn't think before he talks, he's racist, and a overall douch and acts like he doesn't know what he saying once i bring up his wrongs to him. I try so hard to ignore him every time he's around. Even ig we just visit 2x a year. I try to deal since he's my husband father but this time around he commented on my parenting and my son and i just blew up on him. My son has ASD and he went so far just to say that my son is lazy. Just because he can talk at times (okay, yes and a few other responses) i just cant take him anymore. I had to check him and tell him of he doesnt understand ASD to ask me the questions and ill answer to to google it because in this era we have a great resource as that. My SIL her husband and their daughter lives with them and the grandparents (fil and Mil) basically spoil that girl and give her what ever she wants with out even batting an eye. She has gotten fat for her age which is none of my business. But my fil commented on how my sons is a picky eater and that he eats sweet cereal and hot dogs and nuggets. Like come the fuck on. My son doesnt even eat a lot of sugar, he rarley even eats that cereal and all his snacks are organic and artificial sugars free. Just because my sons a picky eater does not mean he eats sugar and fatty foods 😐 like come the fuck on. Look at the granddaughter you feed. She's fat but they have the nerve to comment on my son whos perfectly healthy. Its so fucking irritating. I went off on him because i just couldn't take it anymore. And im here ranting because i have no one to talk to other than my husband and he just keeps saying i know, he leaves today. 😐 its so hard to keep bitting your tounge when someone comments on my son. 😭