MIL and SO's Ex wife

Stephanie • Momma of one amazing toddler, little girl due 8/1/19 ❤

Hi all, I feel like I'm going to go crazy. I'm 36 weeks and change pregnant and its hot so I'm already grumpy, this is just an ongoing issue that pisses me off more.

For backstory: my husband and I dated from 15-19, we split up for a few years grew as people, had some really awful relationships (he ended up marrying her for 14 miserable months, I was engaged to drug addict), we were both going through some rough stuff and found our way back together. We got back together in 2015, his divorce was finalized a month after we started dating. Since then we have a 2 year and have been married for just over 2 years.

His mother has never liked me, even in high school. Mostly because I made him go do things, like get a job, and be a productive member of society.

Anyway.... My MIL loves my husband's ex. They were drinking buddies, and MIL is an alcoholic. She repeatedly invited this girl to family functions and holidays knowing I would be there and it would be very awkward. Whenever my husband tried to say something she would try to turn it around on him and say it was his fault for bringing her into their lives. 😒 things happen, we break up for a couple of months, he goes back to the ex wife to see if they ended things too soon (news flash its still bad, but she is trying to make me jealous but doesnt actually put any effort in and continues cheating on my husband)

He ends up calling me one night to get him, hes at a bar he's depressed he just wants to come home (mind you we've stayed close this whole time, not healthy, 10/10 do not recommend), ex wife is there and ends up punching me in the face, saying i ruined her life. I never even got out of my car, she attacked me, in my car. So there's some bad blood here.

FF⏩, we work our shit out, get pregnant, get married. MIL has not been supportive at all, makes some comment about how he better not ever have children with that devil woman (me) while I'm pregnant, but before we announce. Then when we tell her, she's running around being "grammy of the year".

Last year I asked that she delete the ex wife off her fb, even though my SO and I had both approached her about it before. I said this chick has no right to be checking out pictures of my kid growing up, after punching me in the face and treating her own son like shit. MIL "cant figure out how" to delete her. She still hasnt made any effort to be a part of our lives or my son's, and barely cared when we announced our second pregnancy. She is still grandmother of the year on FB though. Commenting about her "boy" and how much she loves him, how excited she is about her granddaughter that will be born soon. Meanwhile the last time we talked to her was father's day. And we are still waiting on my son's presents from Christmas and his birthday in April.

Through mutual people I know she is still friends with the ex, she still loves pictures the ex puts up all the time. Like other people come to me and be like isnt this uncomfortable for you? Yes it damn well is and it is driving me crazy.