Would you report a nurse for this?

I had to stop breastfeeding due to a medical problem that requires medication that is unsafe for breastfeeding. I have to be on this for months so the Dr advised me to give up breastfeeding all together, so I did because what other choice did I have... If I didn't take the medicine it was SERIOUS and I'd he hospitalized and possibly end up in a very bad situation

Anyway, we brought our son to his 2 month check up at the Dr and the nurse asked about his breastfeeding so I said we had to switch to formula and she immediately got all weird about it. She asked me a million questions and when I explained she told me that my Dr was probably just being lazy and that Dr's lie to get people to stop breastfeeding. I assured her I did in fact have a medical reason that was very valid and she continued to tell me I didn't 'try hard enough' and that I should have gotten a second opinion. I told her I saw 2 Dr's and if I don't take this medication I'd be hospitalized and she said 'pffft I don't believe that. So many medications are safe, they are just giving you wrong information it's a shame because it's your baby who will suffer for it'. And she walked out and I cried.

Was she way out of line or am I just being sensitive because I'm already depressed about not being able to breastfeed anymore (along with my medical issue and being a new mom wearing me thin)